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Santiago Nguyen


DPW announced its speed hump program for 2023 with more than 320 along city streets that qualify. See list of streets here.Detroiters who want to opt out if their street appears on the list will have through April 27. Residents can opt out only with a letter from your block club captain speaking on behalf of all residents on the block or signed petition. The letter or petition must be submitted here. The new 2023 speed humps slated for installation will bring totals to over 10,000 speed humps installed since the beginning of the program in 2016. DPW has received more than 25,000 speed hump requests from residents.However, if your block was selected as part of the initial program posted in March 2021 and you still have not received your speed hump, it could be due to utility construction on your street or a need for resurfacing. Your speed hump is still forthcoming and will be installed when the street work is completed.



A speed hump is an engineering tool to control speeding on residential streets. The location of the hump on the block is selected by a traffic engineer to ensure the optimization of its effectiveness for the entire block.

The markings are shown as white "v" shaped markings inside a second "v" shape. Speed humps are shown with a dimension (noted as "typical") of 12 ft longitudinally across both lanes of a two-lane two-way roadway. The travel lanes are each shown as 12 ft wide, and this width is denoted as "typical." The "v" shaped markings are shown as centered in each travel lane, with the point of each "v" pointing in the direction of traffic flow in the lane. The white lines making the "v" are shown as a dimension of 12 inches wide. The space between the two sets of "v" markings is shown at a dimensioned distance of 12 inches wide. A legend shows a black arrow indicating the direction of travel in the lanes.

Let us know if you are concerned that there may be a speeding problem or too much cut-through, non-neighborhood traffic on your residential street. Since there are some criteria that must be met, we will perform an evaluation to determine if your street is eligible for the installation of speed humps.

You will be contacted by email or mail to confirm that your request has been received.*Note: Make sure your contact information (name, address, phone number) is included in your request for speed humps. Anonymous requests cannot be processed and will be closed.

Speed Hump Request ProceduresIdentify the specific street segment of concern, such as X street between Y street and Z street (see example above). It is better to identify a specific street where there is a concern as opposed to requesting a speed hump study for every street in a neighborhood. It is desirable that a speed hump request be from a neighborhood association or group; however, if one does not exist, request will be accepted from individual citizens. All requests for speed humps will be addressed in the order they are received.Street segments that do not meet the criteria contained in the Speed Hump Program Installation Policy will be rejected. Rejected street segments are not eligible for reapplication for a period of 2 years from the rejection date. Street segments that do meet the criteria must be approved by at least 75 percent of the residences within an identified impact area. Approved street segments will then be placed on a list for installation. The speed humps will be installed as funding is available.

Project Approval CriteriaSpeed hump requests will be evaluated on the basis of existing speeds and volumes. For a street to be considered for speed humps Condition 1 (Speed) and Condition 2 (Volume) must be met.

Collision VarianceA special variance will be granted for any requested segment that has exhibited 3 or more crashes per year over the past 3 years that can be corrected by the installation of speed humps.

*We are currently not accepting new applications for speed humps. If you would like to apply for speed humps, our next open application day will be in the Fall of 2023. Please continue to check our webpage for updates.

Hump day is celebrated as the midpoint of the week, when people climb over the metaphorical crest of the hill. For BNSF, hump day is every day at our eight hump yard facilities that help us sort and group freight cars destined to arrive at specific locations.

At the departure yard, locomotives are assigned and join a congregation of railcars. Once the newly-formed train is inspected for safety, it leaves the hump yard toward its destination. There are several thousand railcar movements a day at each facility by way of hump, pull, arrival or departure.

While the basics of a hump yard have been around for over a century, technology and processes have evolved to help sort and plan the movement of the ever-growing number of railcars that travel on our network. In 2018, BNSF completed a multi-year, cross-departmental project that modernized our hump yard network by implementing Terminal Process Control (TPC) technology.

TPC has been installed at all eight BNSF hump yards: Barstow, California; Galesburg, Illinois; Kansas City, Kansas; Lincoln, Nebraska; Memphis; Tennessee; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Pasco, Washington; and Tulsa, Oklahoma. The first installation occurred at the Memphis hump yard in late 2015. Installation continued at a steady pace until TPC was fully operational across our network at the end of 2018.

TPC integrates specific hump yard details, such as the degree of each curve, number of switches and grade incline or decline percentage, to ensure accurate calculations for safely sorting each railcar. Data from each hump location is stored in a central repository and used to improve processes across our entire system. In fact, we are currently taking the next steps with the technology and refining new ways to enhance end-to-end decision-making across our network, further reducing the time it takes a railcar to get from origin to destination.

Hump yard facilities play an important role on the BNSF network, and as with all of our facilities and processes, we are constantly looking for ways to increase safety and efficiency. TPC makes this possible and gives us cause to celebrate hump day 365 days a year.

In the month of April 2021, the team at the Galesburg hump yard broke four individual all-time, average-cars-per-day records for cars humped, pulled, arrived and departed. Most importantly, this monumental achievement was reached safely without injury. The new average-cars-per-day facility records now stand at 1,888 humped, 1,923 cars pulled, 1,721 cars arrived, 1,847 cars departed.

Speed humps are paved (usually asphalt) and approximately 3-4 inches high at their center, and extend the full width of the street. Speed humps should not be confused with a speed "bump" that is often found in mall parking lots. There are several designs for speed humps. The traditional 12-foot hump has a design speed of 15 to 20 mph, a 14-foot one a few mph higher, and a 22-foot table, of 25 to 30 mph. The longer humps are much gentler for larger vehicles.

A speed table is a term used to describe a very long and broad speed hump, or for a flat-topped speed hump, where sometimes a pedestrian crossing is provided in the flat portion of the speed table. The speed table can either be parabolic, making it more like a speed hump, or trapezoidal, which is used more frequently in Europe. Speed tables can be used in combination with curb extensions where parking exists.

Speed humps are raised areas in the pavement surface that extend across a roadway. Speed humps create a gentle vehicle rocking motion that causes most vehicles to slow to approximately 15 miles per hour (mph) or less at each hump, and approximately 25 mph to 30 mph between properly spaced humps. Speed humps should not be confused with speed bumps that cause discomfort to motorists and a shock to vehicles only at low speeds. The types of speed humps that are typically installed in the City are:

Neighbor support for the installation of speed humps shall be documented by a City-conducted notification of all properties with addresses on the road and, when appropriate, the surrounding neighborhood.

Neighbor SurveyA notification will be mailed out to neighbors who would be directly impacted by the installation of speed humps on a City roadway to determine their preference for speed humps. The City utility billing address database will be used to determine who will be notified. The neighbors contacted will be able to respond via the City website or by phone. The City will require 60% of neighbors (property owners and/or occupants) responding as minimum support to progress with the speed hump process, which is the same threshold required for utility undergrounding. If the responses do not meet the minimum support threshold, the City will coordinate with proper entities that requested the installation of speed humps.

Engineering StudySince speed humps may divert traffic to other streets, an estimate of the amount and location of that diversion will be made so that the potential impacts of the proposed humps may be fully considered. If the humps are expected to create equal or greater traffic problems on another residential street, they will either not be installed, or humps will be considered for the other impacted areas.

Street Classification and UseSpeed humps will not be installed on any "collector" roads that carry more than 6,000 vehicles per day and will not be installed on any higher category roads than "collectors." Speed humps will not usually be installed on any cul-de-sacs; however, because of the differing types of land uses found on some cul-de-sacs, the City Commission may consider the installation of speed humps on a case-by-case basis.

Street Width and Number of LanesSpeed humps will be used only on streets with no more than two travel lanes, or where the overall pavement width is not greater than 40 feet. In addition, the pavement should have good surface and drainage qualities. Speed humps are generally placed in a series of 250 to 500 feet apart, at property lines, to minimize noise. 041b061a72


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