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Ether Vid
Ether Vid

秘 蜜

【花蓮壽豐】東華大學美食懶人包┃志學街區從早吃到晚店家總整理┃ / 郭郭的花東走跳生活 /

クールな社長と秘密の家族になりました. 2話無料 大正モダン恋物語~呉服屋の娘が御曹司に求婚されました~ 3話無料 朧の花嫁~かりそめの婚約は、青く、甘く~ 4話無料 離 《秘密》(韓語:비밀)為韓國KBS自年9月25日起播出的水木迷你連續劇,講述不相信愛情的男人與被愛情背叛的女人之間的故事。此劇是崔浩哲作家在年KBS迷你劇劇 Himitsu English & Japanese speaking virtual singer/ vocalist."I wanna sing a song that resonates with all generation."Love ROCK. ※For any inquire

This author makes it difficult to enjoy anything in her manga besides the art.Im not trying to be biased but i feel like since this author doesnt understand the guys perspective much.I think she herself has some fetish were an attractive guy dominates her and puts it in this manga like we all like to see that.I mean its funny how all the guys who are doing the NTR to the MC are way better then the MC overall.Why not just pick that person as the MC versus some pathetic dude that just gets NTRed on.Was this comment useful? PROzess MSPaintTranslat4ion Valhalla Scanlation abandoned kitten scans M ore once again like Holy Knight her other series The childhood friend gets raped by a douche-bag and one that looks similar to the one in holy night too.That and the MC are the biggest issues with this manga and most of her series.Theres always a pathetic MC thats completely useless and is only used as the person to get NTR-ed by the heroine or someone.Then theres a childhood friend who actually loves the MC that gets raped by another guy??? this one's graphic not just because of the acts shown or even the realistic artstyle and low degree censorship, but because it's believable and emotionally fleshed out.And the author is in complete control of your reaction and will decide for you when you'll be aroused, and when you'll be disgusted by just having been aroused, and when a sudden burst of sympathy or gentle cuteness will overwhelm even those powerful, lingering emotions.PS if you're thinking something to the lines of "no worries about this one just read a hentai where a guy has to watch his mom or girlfriend get raped by a school class or a baseball team and didn't even bat an eyelash there" Register an account.This Author SSJR2 October 20th, , am.Rating: 4.Damn i really like this authors art style so thats why i give most of her series a chance but most of the ones ive read a pretty messed up.I mean this one isnt that bad cause even though theres some NTR with the Main lead and Heroine, i didnt feel like he was with her at all yet considering what she does.So yea that wasnt too bad to stomach especially since he had a hot child hood friend to fall back to.That being said: Spoiler mouse over to view.I dont know what the hell is wrong with this author, does she have a fetish for Raping childhood friends?! This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for:.Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users.This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll send you an email once approved.Font-size Paragraph Header 4 Header 3 Header 2 Quote Link Img Table.Tweet Clean.size S M L position L C R U D change Credit Delete.size S M position L R U D change title 1 title 2 caption delete.Cancel Update.What size image should we insert?


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