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Nasdaq Data Link offers commodity prices data for almost 100 commodities, including gold prices, silver prices and oil prices from multiple sources. Our simple API gives access to daily spot prices and historical commodity prices. With multiple software packages, including R and Python, Nasdaq Data Link is the simplest way to find and download commodity prices.

Commodity groups are a very important aspect of categorizing your products. An important thing to know about commodity groups is that you can nest commodity groups; allowing you to create sub commodity groups underneath each individual group. You can create as many subgroups as you wish, but keep in mind that over-categorization can quickly complicate things.

In your KORONA.pos Cloud back office you can review and manage your Commodity Groups under the Inventory tab. You can use the New button to add a new Commodity Group. The only required setting is the commodity group Name. The Commodity Group Number is auto-generated, but can be changed or assigned manually.

To create sub commodity groups you just have to set a Parent commodity group. The Parent commodity group can also be changed for existing commodity groups.

The commodity group list displays your commodity group structure as a tree. A > symbol in front of a commodity group indicates that this commodity group has sub commodity groups. By clicking the > symbol you can expand the tree item and view the sub-items underneath.

Once you have created your commodity groups, you will be able to assign individual products to them by navigating to Inventory > Products > *Select the Product* > Edit. On the Edit Product screen locate the Commodity Group drop-down menu and select the desired one. Once done, click Save. You may also choose to mass apply the commodity group by using the product filters for more information please visit our Mass Search and Edit Feature manual page.

The COT Public Reporting Environment (PRE) provides an application programming interface (API) to allow users to customize their experience with the COT market report data. The API allows users to search and filter across columns for each of the datasets, including reporting date or week, commodity groups, subgroups, or name, and contract market name. Customized data report results can be downloaded to available formats -- CSV, RDF, RSS, TSV, or XML.

2. Supplemental -- The Supplemental report includes 13 select agricultural commodity contracts for combined futures and options positions. Supplemental reports break down the reportable open interest positions into three trader classifications: non-commercial, commercial, and index traders.

4. Traders in Financial Futures -- The Traders in Financial Futures (TFF) report includes financial contracts, such as currencies, US Treasury securities, Eurodollars, stocks, VIX and Bloomberg commodity index. These reports have a futures only report and a combined futures and options report. The TFF report breaks down the reportable open interest positions into four classifications:

The Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) regulates the trading of commodity futures in the United States. Passed in 1936, it has been amended several times since then. The CEA establishes the statutory framework under which the CFTC operates. Under this Act, the CFTC has authority to establish regulations that are published in title 17 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Nolan, C , Goodman, M & Menga, F. (2020) 'In the shadows of power: the infrastructural violence of thermal power generation in Ghana's coastal commodity frontier', Journal of Political Ecology. 27(1) :775-794. doi: 10.2458/v27i1.23571

Nolan, C , Goodman, M & Menga, F. In the shadows of power: the infrastructural violence of thermal power generation in Ghana's coastal commodity frontier. Journal of Political Ecology. 2020 1; 27(1) :775-794. doi: 10.2458/v27i1.23571

Nolan, C Goodman, M & Menga, F. (2020, 1 21). In the shadows of power: the infrastructural violence of thermal power generation in Ghana's coastal commodity frontier. Journal of Political Ecology 27(1) :775-794. doi: 10.2458/v27i1.23571

For technical questions regarding this item, or to correct its authors, title, abstract, bibliographic or download information, contact: Wiley-Blackwell Digital Licensing or Christopher F. Baum (email available below). General contact details of provider: .

The FAF5 Regional Database of tonnage, value, and ton-miles by FAF regions of origin and destination, commodity type, and mode, benchmarked to the 2017 Commodity Flow Survey is available. Weights are in thousands of tons, activity is in millions of ton-miles, and values are in millions of 2017 constant dollars. Files listed below are available for download in .csv and MS Access formats.

Update - New Version FAF5.4.1 - The new version of the Freight Analysis Framework (FAF) provides estimates for tonnage, value, and ton-miles by origin-destination pair of FAF regions, commodity type, and mode for:

EconPapers FAQ Archive maintainers FAQ Cookies at EconPapers Format for printing The RePEc blog The RePEc plagiarism page Agricultural Commodity Price Shocks and their Effect on Growth in Sub-Saharan AfricaTony Addison (Obfuscate( '', 'addison' )) and Atanu GhoshrayNo 169726, 88th Annual Conference, April 9-11, 2014, AgroParisTech, Paris, France from Agricultural Economics SocietyAbstract:Commodity price shocks are an important type of external shock and are often cited as a problem for economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. This paper quantifies the impact of agricultural commodity price shocks using a near vector autoregressive model. The novel aspect of this model is that we define an auxiliary variable that can potentially capture the definition of a price shock and allows us to determine whether the response of per capita GDP growth in Sub-Saharan Africa to these price shocks is asymmetric. We find that there is evidence of such asymmetric responses to commodity price shocks.Keywords: Demand and Price Analysis; International Relations/Trade (search for similar items in EconPapers)Pages: 16Date: 2014-04New Economics Papers: this item is included in nep-afr and nep-agrReferences: View references in EconPapers View complete reference list from CitEc Citations: Track citations by RSS feedDownloads: (external link) ... ontributed_Paper.pdf (application/pdf)Related works:Journal Article: Agricultural Commodity Price Shocks and Their Effect on Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa (2016) Working Paper: Agricultural Commodity Price Shocks and Their Effect on Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa (2013) This item may be available elsewhere in EconPapers: Search for items with the same title.Export reference: BibTeX RIS (EndNote, ProCite, RefMan) HTML/TextPersistent link: :ags:aesc14:169726DOI: 10.22004/ag.econ.169726Access Statistics for this paperMore papers in 88th Annual Conference, April 9-11, 2014, AgroParisTech, Paris, France from Agricultural Economics Society Contact information at EDIRC.Bibliographic data for series maintained by AgEcon Search (Obfuscate( '', 'aesearch' )). var addthis_config = "data_track_clickback":true; var addthis_share = url:" :ags:aesc14:169726"Share This site is part of RePEc and all the data displayed here is part of the RePEc data set. Is your work missing from RePEc Here is how to contribute. Questions or problems Check the EconPapers FAQ or send mail to Obfuscate( '', 'econpapers' ). EconPapers is hosted by the Örebro University School of Business.

* Unlike for other commodity groups, most prices utilized in the calculation of the FAO Meat Price Index are not available when the FAO Food Price Index is computed and published; therefore, the value of the Meat Price Index for the most recent months is derived from a mixture of projected and observed prices. This can, at times, require significant revisions in the final value of the FAO Meat Price Index which could in turn influence the value of the FAO Food Price Index.

Intergovernmental cooperation between producers and consumers of commodities takes place in the form of international commodity agreements (ICAs) and international study groups (ISGs).

International Commodity Bodies (ICBs) are independent and autonomous legal personalities with their respective Terms of Reference, Rules of Procedure and Board as a highest authority. Provisions of ICAs and ISGs are administered by respective international commodity organizations.

The current mandate and the aim of UNCTAD's work in this area is to cooperate with ICBs, FAO and CFC, by assisting them at their requests and also to benefit from their special expertise on individual commodities with respect to both provision of commodity information and analytical work.

The comparative advantage of sub-Saharan African countries predominantly lies in the export of commodities, whether they be oil, mineral, or agricultural. Managing development based on this kind of comparative advantage is difficult, however, so much so that some refer to the availability of natural resources in a country as the natural resource curse. Yet, there is little doubt that, on average, high real commodity prices as well as the discovery and exploitation of new resources are associated with faster growth, even though possibly tempo-rarily.1 From that point of view, it is difficult not to relate the sustained growth in sub-Saharan Africa since the turn of the century (and for some countries, really from the mid-1990s) to the sustained surge in international commodity prices, itself most likely fed by the heavy demand of emerging economies. It is also interesting that this increase in commodity prices and acceleration of growth came after a long period (i.e., 15 years) of decline in commodity prices and economic stagnation. 153554b96e


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