Oshkosh Where To Buy ((EXCLUSIVE))
A higher number means the company has more debt to equity, whereas a lower number means it has less debt to equity. A D/E ratio of 1 means its debt is equivalent to its common equity. When comparing this ratio to different stocks in different industries, take note that some businesses are more capital intensive than others. A D/E ratio of 2 might be par for the course in one industry, while 0.50 would be considered normal for another. So it's a good idea to compare a stock's debt to equity ratio to its industry to see how it stacks up to its peers first.
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Volume is a useful item in many ways. For one, part of trading is being able to get in and out of a stock easily. If the volume is too light, in absolute terms or for a relatively large position, it could be difficult to execute a trade. This is also useful to know when comparing a stock's daily volume (which can be found on a ticker's hover-quote) to that of its average volume. A rising stock on above average volume is typically a bullish sign whereas a declining stock on above average volume is typically bearish. As they say, 'price follows volume'. The 20 day average establishes this baseline.
While the F1 consensus estimate and revision is a key driver of stock prices, the Q1 consensus is an important item as well, especially over the short-term, and particularly as a stock approaches its earnings date. If a stock's Q1 estimate revision decreases leading up to its earnings release, that's usually a negative sign, whereas an increase is typically a positive sign. The change is made all the more important the closer proximity it is to the stock's earnings date since it is generally believed that the most recent estimates are the most accurate since it's using the most up-to-date information leading up to the report.
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